Thursday, July 8, 2010


I dream of getting a little pig. Have done serious research on line about miniature $1,000 a pop with a long waiting list that blows my bubble. But I can dream on...if I did get a pig her name would be Julia. That was my sister, Joanna's idea. The name is perfect. She would be able to swim in my bath tub. Have a sliver plated water dish. A pink leash with alot of bling. Her bed would be at the foot of mine so that just in case she wanted to sleep with me she could... oh forgot there would a small footstool at the base of my bed so she could gracefully climb into it without falling or looking awkward. I would take her every where.

All in all, she and I would be very happy together. Sitting in my garden, sipping iced coffees with lots of cream and sweet and low. Julia as I would love the fireflies the best along with the humming birds, sand pipers and sparrows. She would come with me on the Jitney to my friend Libby's house in South Hampton and would walk with us to town for the Sunday paper. Sit next to me as Libby and I would play our favorite word game. At four o'clock we'd all jump into Libby's car and drive to Flying Point Beach to stay until sunset. Julia as I would love the beach at sunset.

I dream of Julia and of the lovely times we would have together. If I could only really truly have her life would be wonderful, perfect, happy. I would love her very much as she would love me. For now, since I don't have her, I sit my garden watching the fireflies, the humming birds, the sparrows and the sand pipers on Flying Point Beach at sunset as I whisper softly under my breath...
Good Night sweet Julia wherever you are.
