Friday, May 6, 2011


Life. Changes. Sometimes we do. Sometimes we don't. Better if we do. Change. Better for us. Better for the world. Keeps hope close. Or at least that's my experience of it. Been a long time since I've written. Just got inspired by change. From one moment to the next. Sun's out. We've prayed for that. Long time. No change. Just rain and cold.

When is it going to change everyone asks?
When it damn well pleases, that's when. When we least expect it to. And then it changes again.

I try to learn as I go. Sometimes I get stuck. Hard to remember life changes when you're in the stuck place. And then it changes and everything changes with it.

On the cusp of something wonderful. At least that's how I feel at the moment. Could change the next moment. Could stay the same. Which would be fantastic. Good to know that good comes from all situations. Bad and Good. Good and Bad. Depends on which glasses (metaphorically speaking) we decide to wear that day. Hour. Moment. Second. Humbling actually when it comes down to it. But that's life, humbling, inspiring. Difficult to put one's finger on. Not sure where I'm going with this. Only procrastinating going to the gym. Anything not to go. Human I guess. But life doesn't procrastinate. It can't. Maybe I should learn from life. And go forth without expectation, fearless and determined.

So fearlessly and determined I the gym. Into the long awaited sunshine. Hopeful for the next moment to come. Which it usually does. Without effort. Which is more than I can say about going to the gym.