Sunday, January 15, 2012


What's possible? asked Julia.
Julia was my pet pig.
Possible means anything you want it to me I replied.
Examples asked Julia.
Well, I said, patiently, or at least trying to be patient. Figuring out what she really wanted to know.
Possible is what can be instead of what can't.
Not sure that really helps said Julia. Can you be more specific?
Well, I said, sounding like a broken record on round two, It's like looking at the stars at night and realizing that there are other worlds out there.
Oh, said Julia. What kinds of worlds are there?
Any kind I replied, one never knows, big worlds with lots of other stars and pigs like you that have fields to run and play in and fireflies to catch and Iced coffee to drink.
I see said Julia, pensively, quietly with a dreamy look in her eyes.
And would it be possible to see them one day soon. I'd like to see them. She looked at me.
I'm not really sure it's possible I said. I was just giving you an example of what could be out there. Metaphorically speaking.
But you said possible was anything I wanted it to be.
Yes I replied but there are no guarantees that what you want to be really is, it's just possible it is. Possible means maybe.
But Maybe isn't good enough said Julia. I need to know for sure. That what I think is possible is. that is, is possible.
It's possible that it is possible but I could possibly be wrong you know.
I gave her a kiss.
She sighed.
Feeling unsafe I said?
I guess so she replied.
I understand. I said. But we need to make sure that we think of what's possible even though it seems impossible that the possible may be possible I said.
She looked at me.
I looked at her.
She sighed. Crawled into my lap.
Even if you aren't ok right now it's possible you will be very soon. Just something to think about I said.
Quite soon all I heard was the sweet sound of her breathing as she slept.
I wish I could be certain that everything was going to be ok. I could only hope and wish that all good things were possible. And it's quite possible that things could be better than anything I could possibly imagine.