Friday, February 26, 2010

Long Time No See

Dropped off the face of the earth for the last month. Combination of working two jobs. Drinking too much caffeine, not getting enough sleep, stressing about money, paying the bills, shopping for food, cooking the food, washing dishes, shopping for food again, eating again and washing the damn dishes again. Did I mention laundry?

Thought I met someone. Hah! One date. Tall. Angular. Handsome. Well worn face. Intense. Gaunt. Buzz cut. Silver and grey. Stunning smile. Brooding. Loner. Wolf. Fat chance. Better luck next time.

It's snowing but then again you already know that.
Still thinking of something to say.
I'm just trying to get into the swing of writing again.
Take it easy.
Give me a break.

Starting to wonder about the title I've chosen for this blog.
Still like it.
Sounds catchy.
Things are shifting.
What the hell am I talking about?
Better keep it for a while still.
Or at least until I get the hang of writing again.

5 minutes go by.
Still trying to think of something to write about.
In case you haven't noticed the snow is blowing sideways by now.

What next?
Ok. Got to hit the loo.
For the upteemth time.
Or maybe not.
Trying to beat the odds.

This post really sucks.
Really, really sucks.

Massive Pause. Went into the kitchen.
For a break.
Ran out.
Massive amount of unwashed dishes in sink.

10 minutes later.
Staring at the computer screen.
Hoping for an inspiration.

Ok. Giving myself 2 more minutes and then I'm out of here.

Can't take myself.
What IS wrong?
Why can't I just write.
Write god damn it. Write. Anything. Everything. Nothing. Write. Write. Write.
Make 'em laugh until their sides split.

Don't hold your breath.

I've had it.
If I can't write something now it's never going to come.
Signing off.
Please forgive.
Promise to delight and amuse later today.
Tonight. Tomorrow. Next month.
Next year.

P.S. Just located photo for the post and saw someone else's post.
Same idea as mine.
Photo. Essay.
Thought I was original. A master. Unusual. Unique. Utterly fabulous.
Stop dreaming. One among many. Oh well.
Ta for now.
Keep the faith.

(c) 2010

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