Friday, February 26, 2010


To exert oneself by doing mental or physical work for a purpose or out of necessity; "Obama's still working on his legislative agenda"; " The Republicans are working overtime in lock-step against him"

To be employed; "What's a nice girl like you working in a place like this?"

Have an effect or outcome; often the one desired or expected; "Toyota's breaks aren't working"; "The Tea Party's working on blowing the liberals' fuse"

Function: perform as expected when applied; "Who ever said hard work pays off wasn't working too hard"; "When's The iPad gonna work?"

Exercise: give a workout to; "No matter how hard you work out if you eat too much chocolate, it will never work out"

Make: proceed along a path; "It's very hard to work your way through the forest if you can't see the trees"

Proceed towards a goal or along a path or through an activity; "If you start at the top you can't possibly work your way up any higher. So you might as well stop working and give up"

Behave in a certain way when handled; "If your jeans are too tight your love handles will inevitably work their way up over the top of them"

Influence: have and exert influence or effect; "It takes work, alot of work to work your influence, exert your influence or effect your influence on anyone. If that even works at all"

Hope this worked for you. It didn't work for me. I worked too hard at working hard. And working too hard, made me work even harder to make it work. So what's the point of working hard if not working works? And work that works is the best work of all.

(c) 2010

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