Friday, February 5, 2010

To Die For

We use it all the time. I'm dying for a glass of water. I'm dying to be famous. I'll die if I don't get this. I'll die if I don't get that. I'm dying to try that. I'm dying to try this. It's a view to die for. Get rich or die trying. I'm dying for a vacation. He's to die for. She's to die for. It's worth dying for. It's not worth dying for. Didn't you just die laughing? I'm dying to meet you. Or better still, I'd rather die than meet you.

If we really died doing or not doing, trying or not trying, waiting or not waiting. We would never get to do or not do, try or not try, wait or not wait.

Who came up with this ridiculous expression anyway? How did they know what to die for really means. They certainly didn't actually take their last breath, bite the big one, blow their brains out, buy the farm, croak, cash in their chips, give up the ghost, come to a sticky end, become food for worms, fall off their perch, hop on the last rattler, join the great majority, kick the bucket, ride the pale horse, snuff it or take a dirt nap.

No they just thought they'd have to take their last breath if they didn't get what they wanted, saw what they thought they needed to see, or meet the person they felt entitled to meet.

Before I take my last bow, turn up my toes, go six feet under, pop my clogs, peg out, shuffle off this mortal coil or push up daisies, I'd rather live for that glorious sunset at flying point beach or laugh myself silly.

(c) 2010

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