Sunday, January 31, 2010


Photo Billy Sharff

Though hope is elusive, fleeting, momentary. It is also infectious. It is something we long for, look forward to. Pray for. Dream of. Contemplate. Cherish.

Each one of us has a unique perspective on it. A way to connect with it. To hold it. And it is up to us. All of us. As individuals. As a group. As a combined population. As a world. To help each other keep it.

To hope means to wish for better. For yourself and others. Hope to see you again soon. Hope good things will happen for you. Hope you find someone to share your life with. Hope you get that job. A child. A home. Hope Haiti recovers. Hope the Holocaust will never be forgotten. Hope that truth and justice will prevail.

My father hoped to find his beloved sister Risha. My mother for peace and joy. My dearest sister Joanna to find her true love. Companionship. Friendship.

I want to to give back all that was given to me. To those who need it. Or have lost it. Or want to find it so they can live again. Laugh again. Trust and have faith that all will be well again. And of course, to hope again.

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