Friday, January 22, 2010

Revolving Doors

Photo by Lee Friedlander

Going round and round makes me dizzy and yet I can't help wondering how other people do it. Kids love revolving doors. They could go round endlessly much to the dismay of their overburdened parents. Every day I face the choice of checking-in or checking-out. Checking-out leads to the never ending revolving door of getting now where. Fast.

Lately I've been trying very hard to check into life. It's worth the effort when I do. And in spite of the endless merry-go-round of dirty dishes, dirty laundry and job applications some how the more I check-in the easier it gets to choose not to go through the revolving door.

Except when it comes to going round and round with tiny tots. Just for fun.

(c) 2010


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