Sunday, January 10, 2010

Brazil Nuts

I've gotten into buying the small packets of raw mixed nuts lately mainly because I love Brazil nuts. The downside is there usually only is one in the mix. If I'm lucky there's two. It's like looking for a good job or trying to meet "the" guy. There's only one good one in the mix. The rest are nice but don't last as long. It's a matter of luck because it depends on the grocery store you go to. The time of day you pick to purchase. And whether or not you get the one in the front or end up having to search all the way in the back, hunched over because they usually are on the bottom rung. And then comes the tedious task having to carefully replace each one you took off after finding the one you wanted.

Maybe it's even a good analogy for life. There's only a few absolutely delicious moments mixed into the cacophony of the mundane and boring. It depends on luck and also on whether or not we are conscious enough at the time to recognize them.

(c) 2010


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