Friday, January 15, 2010


We were on our way to see a couple of offices sublet by "a creative company." Shares they're called in the "biz." Rebbecca, Lori, George were our customers, Pati and I, the Realtors. Rebbecca, Lori and George were looking for a space to park themselves. Large office, or two, six people, three companies. A couple of photographer's reps and creative resource book.

I knew George for a year or so. He and his partner Shelly work on the same floor in the same building as I do. Lori is George's sister. George gave Lori my number when they needed to find a "new home."

Stunning. Penthouse. Couple of skylights. Wood floors.
Two conference rooms. Token 50's style refrigerator only
in white (which would have never happened back then)
in a high end kitchen. Half the office was under construction.

Their broker couldn't make it.
The creative director can take you around she said.

We stepped off the elevator.
All did our appropriate "gasp"
and then Peter came out to meet us.
Peter. Peter. Peter.
G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S. S.T.U.N.N.I.N.G. Breath-taking.
Quick I said to myself check and see if he's married.
Left hand no ring.
Right hand had the ring.
Oh it's just a ring I said to myself. Probably likes a little jewelry.
Look him directly in the eye. Stare really long.
Massive eye contact. I kept telling myself.
Check to see if his pupils dilate
They stayed the same. Get bigger I tried telling him through mental telepathy. Nothing happened.
Flutter your eyelashes I said to myself. Flash your stunning smile I prompted myself.
He was going on about the neighborhood.
Mentioned a "fabulous" bar called Splash.
Never heard of it. George did.
We lingered and then finally had to go.
I totally lost it in the elevator on the way down. Oh my god I exclaimed was he gorgeous or what? Which was completely unprofessional on my part.
No ring I said excitedly. He was gorgeeeeeous said Rebbecca.
Apparently she had the same idea.
I was starting to feel very competitive.
He said he has a partner said George. And he mentioned splash, it's a huge gay hang out.

Oh boy
I groaned. It's just not fair.
Too bad he has a partner said George. Apparently George also had the same idea.
Do you think he'll ever change his sexual preference? I asked.
Dream on George replied.
I, on the other hand, he continued, stand a really good chance if his "partner" would drop dead now, or in the near foreseeable future.

(c) 2010


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